Cinta Senese Meat
The quality and why chose this meat

The Cinta Senese is a breed that has always been bred in Tuscany even if it has been rediscovered only in recent years thanks to its numerous qualities that derive in particular from the type of breeding that must be in the wild or semi-wild in large fenced areas where woods and woods alternate. clearings.

Diet also plays a fundamental role, consisting mainly of acorns, tubers and roots which, in addition to giving the meat of animals a unique flavor, also enhances its quality nutritional wise.

In particular, Cinta Senese meat is redder and tastier than that of other pig breeds, since it has a higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular Omega 3 and Omega 6, and offers greater nutritional qualities.

Cinta Senese lard is rich in oleic acid which is said to fight cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

In terms of taste it is important to remember that the fat of the Cinta Senese is less consistent and more fluid, therefore it is more pleasant on the palate. Furthermore, precisely this greater fluidity allows a more rapid diffusion of the aromas used to spice the cured meats, thus guaranteeing the products of excellent aromatic characteristics.

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