Our stuffed quail, is a tasty second dish and quite quick to prepare. Quail meat is a delicate, protein-rich and easily digestible meat. If you've never dared to prepare these little birds, try our simple >>
You're right ... risotto isn't really a Tuscan dish, but with these typical Tuscan ingredients it almost becomes one. Try our recipe for this tasty and creamy risotto, but which at the same time has some >>
Mixed boiled meat is usually a typical Piedmontese recipe based on various beef and chicken parts cooked for a long time together with vegetables and generally served with parsley sauce, potatoes or fruit >>
Grilled steaks and ribs
One of the most traditional ways of cooking Cinta Senese meat is certainly grilled: a quick and easy recipe. Today we give you some suggestions to prepare it the best way! Let's start with the >>
A Tuscan Excellence
The Cinta Senese pigs are a native breed of Tuscany bred since the tme of the Etruscans. They are characterized by a dark coat whose particular name derives from the characteristic white band that surrounds >>
The quality and why chose this meat
The Cinta Senese is a breed that has always been bred in Tuscany even if it has been rediscovered only in recent years thanks to its numerous qualities that derive in particular from the type of breeding >>
Pappardelle with Cinta Senese white ragù
In recent years, Cinta Senese meat has been rediscovered and re-evaluated for its high nutritional qualities as well as for its unmistakable taste. Today we want to bring to your tables a typical dish >>
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